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EndNote desktop: FAQs and tips

About journal name abbreviation in EndNote

Some styles require abbreviating the journal name (e.g. Vancouver), and the source (e.g. database, Google Scholar) for your EndNote reference might supply the full journal name.

Some styles require the full journal name  (e.g. APA 7th), and the source for your reference (exported from a database) might give only the abbreviated journal name.

The same solution fixes both these problems, an EndNote "Terms list" (a translation table from journal name abbreviated form to full form, and the reverse).

International Journal of Amazing Stuff <--> Int J Amaz Stuff

Loading a terms list file supplied with EndNote

  1. In EndNote, Library menu ► Open Term Lists Journals Term List
    screenshot showing Library menu, Open Term Lists, Journals Term List
  2. Important: Clear existing terms (created from existing references).
    • Click once to highlight one of the entries
    • Press Ctrl+A (Cmd+A on a Mac).to select all the existing terms
    • Click Delete Term
      screenshot showing steps to delete existing terms
  3. Change to the Lists tab
  4. Highlight Journals if not already highlighted
  5. Click Import List
    screenshot showing list import steps D, E, and F
  6. EndNote should automatically take you to the Terms Lists folder inside the EndNote application folder
  7. Select a terms list to highlight it, and click Open
  8. Click OK on the pop-up information box.
  9. Click Close.

The journal names in the references you add in Word will now be abbreviated or expanded as the referencing style requires.

It is not a good idea to load multiple terms lists at once, as this may lead to problems with duplicated titles.

Other terms lists

The University of Western Australia provides term lists for:

Adding new individual terms (journal names)

Specialist users: Creating your own terms list

A terms list is simply a tab-separated values file (using a Tab character between vales or fields).

You could easily create one in a text editor (not a word processor) or a spreadsheet program e.g. Excel (be sure to save as Tab-delimited text)

Use the full name of the journal in the first column, and the abbreviated journal name in the second column.