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EndNote desktop: FAQs and tips

That's an unusual accent you've got ...

If you have a title (or an author name) that includes Roman letters with diacritic marks (accents), these are supported by EndNote (and Word, and most publishers).

However, RIS export from QuickSearch and many databases does not always include these accents.

You can add them manually, although only one letter at a time.

Suppose you have an article titled Sweden: Land of løveli lakes, a wøndërful telephøne system and mäni interesting furry animals (with apologies to Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones, and the Monty Python team)

When you import it into EndNote, you might get the less exciting Sweden: Land of loveli lakes, a wonderful telephone system and mani interesting furry animals

In Windows, open up the Character Map app:

  1. Use the search option  or Cortana search area ("Type here to search") near the Windows icon in the bottom left of your screen (depending on your Windows configuration)
  2. Type in character
  3. click on Character Map when it appears

screenshot showing Character Map in the search results

With the Character Map open you can select and replace individual letters, one at a time.

Select the letter you want (the preview will expand)

  1. Click Select
  2. Click Copy
  3. Change to your EndNote field and Paste

screenshot of Chracter Map interface with letter selected, ready to copy to clipboard

Another Windows option is the Accents app. Unzip it in your Documents folder and run the Accents app. You can then type accented letters by hitting the same key 3 or more times in quick succession. So tap the O key 3 times quickly to get ø. Keep tapping to get more variations e.g. ò