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How to use MIMS

MIMS Online is Australia's most comprehensive and authoritative pharmaceutical database. It provides access to essential information on over 4,500 prescription and non-prescription drugs. The library has a licence for 5 users at a time so if you can't access MIMS try again later.

It contains prescribing information, product images, drug interations and consumer information

To access MIMS

From the library homepage, there are several ways to access MIMS.

1. Click on the Subject Guide tab above the search bar. In Show Guides For, select Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare. In the list of guides, choose Nursing. There is a link to MIMS on the first page.

2. Click on the Databases tab above the search bar. In Search by Subject, select Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare. MIMS is linked to in the list of key databases. 

You will need to log in with your Federation username and password. Remember, Federation's licence allows 5 people at a time to use MIMS. So if you can't access it, try again a bit later.


To search MIMS Online, simply type the product name, action/indication or therapeutic class into the search box. It will default to searching for Product Information. You can also search for Pill ID, Consumer Medicines Information or Drug Interactions by selecting the tabs above the search bar. The Advanced Search gives you additional options when searching.

Understanding the results

The results will be headed by the brand name. In the result list, you will see the different dosages, usage, and the class. Clicking on the medication name gives you more details. There are links to the full or abbreviated Product Information, CMI, drug interactions, other products with the same generic ingredient and other products in the same therapeutic class.

Drug interactions

In the Drug Interaction tab or link, MIMS Online will show a list of all the drugs that interact with your search. The interacting drugs are in the column for Interacting Molecule and will be listed under the generic names. There will also be information on the adverse effect and severity level. (The lower the number, the greater the severity). You can click an interacting molecule and see details about the interaction.

Details on how to reference MIMS Online is listed in FedCite under Other Sources.

Referencing MIMS is slightly different to other websites. It is updated constantly, so this means that you will need to include the date you looked at the entry, and put (n.d.) for the date, which stands for no date. The following examples show how a reference to MIMS should look in your assignment.

A single reference

If you are only referencing one entry in an assignment, use the following example as a template for a reference:

MIMS Australia. (n.d.). Advil childrens 2-7 years pain & fever relief chewable tablets. MIMS Online. Retrieved November 11, 2022, from

To cite or quote in your assignment, use the following examples. For direct quotes, use the paragraph or section number as there is no page number.

... to ameliorate pain (MIMS Australia, n.d.).

Advil in small children is used for the "temporary relief of pain..." (MIMS Australia, n.d., para. 7).

Multiple references

If you are referencing multiple MIMS entries in your assignment, you will need to add a letter after the date to distinguish between them.

MIMS Australia. (n.d.-a). Advil childrens 2-7 years pain & fever relief chewable tablets. MIMS Online. Retrieved November 11, 2022, from

MIMS Australia. (n.d.-b). Panadol rapid. MIMS Online. Retrieved November 11, 2022, from

When citing and quoting these in your assignment, include the letters as well. The first MIMS reference in your assignment will be a, the second b and so on. 

... might use Advil (MIMS Australia, n.d.-a). Panadol might be used for older children (MIMS Australia, n.d.-b) ...