Lots of examples, instructions, and tips on citing and referencing. To get started, click on your style. Expand any line with a
Examples and instructions for APA, MLA, Chicago Footnote, IEEE and "Australian Harvard" referencing styles
These "Quick Guides" have been created by the Learning Skills Advisors.
See also the Study Skills Referencing page.
For quick help during Semester, contact the ASK team.
Alternatively, book an appointment for more in-depth individual help from a Learning Skills Advisor.
If you are using a Mac, you will usually have to use the Command or ⌘ or Apple key instead of Ctrl.
Ctrl+T - adds a hanging indent to the selected paragraphs (or references)
(Remember, for a Mac use Cmd+T instead)
If you accidentally indent too far, use Shift+Ctrl+T to unindent (Shift+Cmd+T on a Mac)
Sorting by A-Z - Word has a feature to sort selected lines or paragraphs (or references) alphabetically. Select your references, and click the A-Z button on the Home tab.
Note: if you don't select your references first, all the paragraphs in your essay will be sorted alphabetically - this is a bad thing, select your references first.
Changing case - Word has a feature (look for the Aa button) to change case, so you can quickly change a title to correct sentence case.
(Hint: Ctrl+click will select a whole sentence, which often is enough to select a book or journal article title)
You may also need to manually edit it afterwards to start a sub-title with a capital letter.
Ctrl+A - select All
Ctrl+C - Copy
Ctrl+V - paste (think of V = or put it here)
For easier selecting : If you have a laptop touchpad and selecting text is awkward, just put your cursor where you want to start selecting, then (instead of using the touchpad) hold down Shift and use the arrow keys on the keyboard to "drag out" the area of selection.
Details on how to reference MIMS Online is listed in FedCite under Other Sources.
Referencing MIMS is slightly different to other websites. It is updated constantly, so this means that you will need to include the date you looked at the entry, and put (n.d.) for the date, which stands for no date. The following examples show how a reference to MIMS should look in your assignment.
If you are only referencing one entry in an assignment, use the following example as a template for a reference:
MIMS Australia. (n.d.). Advil childrens 2-7 years pain & fever relief chewable tablets. MIMS Online. Retrieved November 11, 2022, from https://www-mimsonline-com-au.ap1.proxy.openathens.net/Search/AbbrPI.aspx?ModuleName=Product%20Info&searchKeyword=advil&PreviousPage=~/Search/QuickSearch.aspx&SearchType=&ID=98170001_2
To cite or quote in your assignment, use the following examples. For direct quotes, use the paragraph or section number as there is no page number.
... to ameliorate pain (MIMS Australia, n.d.).
Advil in small children is used for the "temporary relief of pain..." (MIMS Australia, n.d., para. 7).
If you are referencing multiple MIMS entries in your assignment, you will need to add a letter after the date to distinguish between them.
MIMS Australia. (n.d.-a). Advil childrens 2-7 years pain & fever relief chewable tablets. MIMS Online. Retrieved November 11, 2022, from https://go.openathens.net/redirector/federation.edu.au?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mimsonline.com.au%2FSearch%2FAbbrPI.aspx%3FModuleName%3DProduct%2520Info%26searchKeyword%3Dadvil%26PreviousPage%3D~%2FSearch%2FQuickSearch.aspx%26SearchType%3D%26ID%3D98170001_2
MIMS Australia. (n.d.-b). Panadol rapid. MIMS Online. Retrieved November 11, 2022, from https://www-mimsonline-com-au.ap1.proxy.openathens.net/Search/AbbrPI.aspx?ModuleName=Product%20Info&searchKeyword=Panadol+Rapid+Soluble+Tablets&PreviousPage=~/Search/QuickSearch.aspx&SearchType=&ID=98440002_2
When citing and quoting these in your assignment, include the letters as well. The first MIMS reference in your assignment will be a, the second b and so on.
... might use Advil (MIMS Australia, n.d.-a). Panadol might be used for older children (MIMS Australia, n.d.-b) ...
Janssen, V. (2012). Indirect tracking of drop bears using GNSS technology. Australian Geographer, 43(4), 445-452. https://doi.org/10.1080/00049182.2012.731307
Click on the type of item you think this reference shows.
Stabler-Haas, S. (2012). Fast facts for the student nurse: Nursing student success in a nutshell. Springer.
Click on the type of item you think this reference shows.
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. (2016). Registered nurse standards for practice. http://www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au/documents/default.aspx?record=WD16%2F19524&dbid=AP&chksum=R5Pkrn8yVpb9bJvtpTRe8w%3D%3D
Click on the type of item you think this reference shows.
Federation University Australia. (2016). Federation Gippsland campus tour [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQ3SBI7Iado
Click on the type of item you think this reference shows.
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation Victorian Branch. (2022). Membership benefits. https://www.anmfvic.asn.au/membership/benefits
Click on the type of item you think this reference shows.
Thomas, J. (2010). Public health. In D. Sellman & P. Snelling (Eds.), Becoming a nurse: A textbook for professional practice (284-314). Pearson Education.
Click on the type of item you think this reference shows.
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Federation University Australia acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the lands and waters where our campuses, centres and field stations are located and we pay our respects to Elders past and present, and extend our respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and First Nations Peoples. |