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Assignment Summary

This assessment requires you to create:

A group video:

  • Produce a 12 minute motivational health promotion video
  • Choose a preventable health issue, or one where awareness is needed to get treatment early
  • Choose a population from the given list in the assessment instructions
  • Include a reference list at the end with all resources used, such as articles, websites, images, or statistics

This assessment help page assumes you have read the unit outline, assessment description and marking rubric provided in Moodle. 

Plan Your Search

Start planning your search by:

  1. Identify the key concepts in your assignment scenario
  2. Consider alternative terms that authors might use for these

You may need to do multiple smaller searches to find all you need. 

The following search concepts are examples only. You will need to identify appropriate concepts and terms for the assessment yourself.

Key concepts Alternative terms
Older people elderly, senior, geriatric
Heart disease "cardiac disease", "heart attack", "coronary disease" 

Now use Boolean operators to connect your search terms. 

Use OR to combine all the terms for the same concept: mental health OR wellbeing

Use AND to combine terms from different concepts: mental health AND support

Use quotation marks to search for a phrase: "mental health"

Use brackets to group all terms from the same concept together

Watch the following video to learn more about Boolean operators

When you put it together:

(elderly OR older OR senior) AND ("heart disease" OR "heart attack" OR "cardiac disease")

You will probably need to alter your search terms as you go.

Search For Resources

To find statistics, you will need to search online or the website of the organisation that collected them. 

To search online, you can add in statistics to your search:

cardiovascular disease statistics victoria

You need to make sure you are looking at reliable information from reputable sources, such as governments or organisations, and that the information is about Australia. To limit your results to only these, add after your search to show only results from Australian government webpages, or to show only results from Australian organisations.

cardiovascular disease statistics victoria

If you know the organisation or government department you want to find the statistics in, you can search or navigate to them directly within their website. This will be done differently depending on the website. Look for a section that is titled something like Research, Reports, or Resources. 

You can then either navigate to the topic you need, or search for it. Most websites have very basic search abilities, so try and keep your search as simple as possible. There may be a spreadsheet you can download for more detailed statistics. 

Select appropriate resources

When was this source published?

How old are the references and data used?

Has this source, or its data, been updated?

Does this type of information get updated?

Is there likely to be more recent information available elsewhere?

Is this information relevant to your assignment? Is there likely to be better information?

Is this aimed at the correct audience?

Who wrote it? What are their qualifications?

Where do they work? Who do they work for?

Are they likely to have a good understanding of this field?

Is the information reliable?

Can you find the original source?

What is the quality of the presentation? Are there significant errors?

Do the conclusions match the data?

Have all sides been considered?

Why has the article been written?

Is there any obvious bias? Is the author or their employer likely to get a benefit out of the recommendations?

Is it recommending a particular course of action or therapy? Does the data support this? Are any alternatives considered?

Write Your Assignment

The following PDFs are helpful in writing your assessment.


FedCite is the one stop shop for all your referencing needs. In nursing, you need to use APA 7. Look at the Using APA7 section to find out general information on how to cite and reference, and the source types for specific examples. 


To help you, here are some sources you might need to reference in this assignment. If what you are referencing is not shown here, or you would like more details, please go to FedCite.

Source type
In-text citation example
Reference example

Statistics (accessed on a webpage)

Reference the webpage you saw the statistics on

(Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2023)

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2023). Heart, stroke and vascular disease: Australian facts.

Statistics (on a PDF) 

Reference the PDF

(Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2022) Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2022).Estimating the incidence of stroke and acute coronary syndrome using the National Integrated Health Services Information Analysis Asset.

Statistics (downloaded a spreadsheet)

Reference the spreadsheet as a dataset. Right click the download link to copy the URL for the document.

(Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2023). Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2023). Data tables: Heart, stroke and vascular disease: Australian facts [Dataset].


Reference the webpage you found the image on

(Hopkins, 2018) Hopkins, C. (2018). Change the rules rally 23 October. [Photograph]. On the Record.