Resource Sharing Services: Turnaround

Turnaround Time

Document Delivery Services staff will usually process a request within two working days of receipt.

The details of your requests that have been processed and are awaiting arrival can be viewed in your My Library record.

The majority of requests for copies of journal articles and book chapters are supplied within seven days. The majority of books are supplied within fourteen days. The supply time for conference proceedings and theses is variable.

Having said this, there are a number of factors that can affect the turnaround time from request to receipt. For example, the citation details may be incomplete, or prove to be incorrect and/or difficult to verify; the request may need to be passed on to more than one library before being filled, or be sent overseas; or sometimes we need to make direct contact with the author or publisher to obtain supply.

Staff will notify you of any anticipated unusual delay in obtaining a document. However, if more than ten working days have passed since your request was submitted and it hasn't arrived, you are welcome to contact Document Delivery Services.


Can I email urgent requests through directly to Document Delivery Services?

No. You can make urgent requests, however you will still need to fill in the Request Form as per usual, as this meets your copyright declaration obligation. You can alert Document Delivery Services staff of the urgency by:

  • Filling in the 'Cancel if not filled by' option on the request form.
  • Using the 'Additional information' field to provide any information you have that may facilitate the request.
  • Phoning or emailing Document Delivery Services to let them know you have placed an urgent request.

Place a Request

Contact Resource Sharing Services

Phone: (03) 5327 9597
