Resource Sharing Services: Delivery
of Items

Delivery of Copies

The majority of copies (e.g. PDFs of journal articles, book chapters and conference papers) will be delivered electronically to your University staff or student email account.

Occasionally a copy cannot be delivered electronically due to publisher licensing restrictions. In this case:

  • We will attempt to phone you to see which option is preferred: supply via internal mail, collection at a campus library, or supply via post.
  • If we cannot contact you via phone, we will notify you via email that the document is being held for collection at a campus library. If necessary, you can then contact us to arrange alternative delivery.


Delivery of Interlibrary Loans

Interlibrary loans (books and other items requiring return) are held at your local campus library. A hold collection notice will be emailed to your University staff or student account to notify you of the item's availability.

If you are based off-campus, please contact Document Delivery Services to arrange postage out to you. You can do this once you have received the notice, or at the time you place the request by providing postal instructions in the 'Additional information' field.




Sometimes we find it difficult to get in touch with students. You can do the following to avoid potential delays in receiving material:

  • Tidy up your student email account on a regular basis to ensure that you have enough free network space to receive any documents you are expecting.
  • Check the contact details that you have supplied in my Student Centre, as this is the information that comes across to your My Library record. Ensure that you provide a phone number so we can contact you if required (e.g. to let you know emails are bouncing back because your mailbox is full!)



I never check my student/staff email. Can't I just give you another address?

Document Delivery Services uses the information from your Library record to communicate with you about your requests and to deliver items. This information flows through from the respective student and staff administration systems and contains your University email address. The Library doesn't store or use any alternative email contact information. If you have recently made document delivery requests, then you should check your University email account for notices from the Library.

If you don't know or have forgotten your network login details, you should contact the ITS ServiceDesk.



Contact Resource Sharing Services

Phone: (03) 5327 9597




ILL conditions are set by the lending library.

Sometimes this means not being able to remove the item from the Library, typically because the item is rare or forms part of a legal deposit scheme. In this instance you can use the item as often as you wish until the due date, however, you will need to use it in-house.

If this applies to your ILL, we'll advise you via email so you can plan ahead.