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Federation.figshare is a collaborative digital repository for storing, sharing, and publishing research files

What is Federation.figshare?

Federation.figshare is a repository for Federation researchers, professional staff and Higher Degree by Research candidates to store, share and publish their digital research files. It enables FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) research outputs and encourages consideration of the CARE (Collective benefit, Authority to control, Responsibility, Ethics) Principles for Indigenous data governance.

This will facilitate increased use, impact and awareness of Federation University Australia research through access to the University's research data and NTROs across all disciplines; and assist Federation University Australia researchers to meet the open access requirements of the university (under the RDM Procedure) and funding bodies (including the Australian Research Council and National Health and Medical Research Council).

Benefits of using Federation.figshare include:

Compliance Easy compliance with funder and publisher requirements to make data open
Multiple formats More than 1,000 file types can be uploaded including audio, video, images, spreadsheets, documents, surveys, datasets and posters.
Accessibility Files are accessible to you, other researchers, and potential collaborators 
Increased citations All published research outputs receive a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) making them easily citable
Impact Altmetrics tracks your views, downloads and citations
Reuse Apply Creative Commons or other appropriate licenses to define terms of re-use of your files
Findable Published research outputs are searchable, facilitating communication with other researchers, government, and industry
ORCiD linking Add your ORCiD to your Federation.figshare account so that published research outputs can be linked
Embargo/private links Research outputs can be embargoed when necessary or accessed via private links
Secure management Manage private or public research outputs securely

Data from Federation.figshare is harvested weekly into the library's discovery layer, QuickSearch,  Trove (National Library Australia),  ARDC Research Data Australia, and Google datasets to help make your data findable and accessible.

icons depicting some Federation.figshare features

To give feedback, please email

How do I access Federation.figshare?

Go to or click on the “go to Federation.figshare” button above. Once on the Federation.figshare homepage, click on the red “Log in” button on the top right of the screen, and follow the prompts. You will be able to sign in with your Federation University login.

screenshot of Federation.figshare login page


No, logging in with your Federation username and password will create an account automatically.
No, your login is handled via Federation Single Sign On, and your account details are never stored or shared with figshare.
Yes. Your student account will sign you into Federation.figshare. You can sign in with a staff account if you have one, however this will create a different account to your student account. If you have two accounts you will need to choose a preferred account to manage your data. If you accept a position at Federation after your postgraduate studies have finished, the content in your student account can be migrated to a new staff account.
Federation.figshare is a publicly accessible, cloud-based website that is accessed via your Federation username and password. This means you can access it anytime from anywhere in the world without restriction.

The homepage of Federation.figshare displays all published items from newest uploaded to oldest irrespective of the type of file. Items can also be searched by clicking on 'Categories' under the Federation logo. This displays all the categories (in Federation.figshare only) in alphabetical order, and by newest to oldest within each category.

Clicking on ‘Browse’ at the top of the Federation.figshare homepage provides a list of the featured categories in You can also search all of or only Federation.figshare.

To search all of figshare enter your search terms in the search box at the top of the Federation.figshare home page.

To restrict your search to Federation.figshare only click on the link ‘Search’ under the Federation logo, and then enter your search terms in the search box that appears.

screenshot of Federation.figshare search options

Once your results display you can then filter them in three ways:

  1. by how relevant, new or popular they are;
  2. by content type, such as item, collection, project, etc.
  3. item type, such as figures, posters, datasets, code, projects, etc.
  4. by licence;
  5. by publication year;
  6. by category;
  7. by group.
    To give feedback, please email