See also the following page on SCImago, a public portal which publishes the SCImago Journal Rank indicator based on Scopus data.
Available from Scopus website:
Scopus metrics are also available via the Scopus database which the Library subscribes to. Select Sources tab.
CiteScore uses a simple formula for measuring the impact of sources:
Citations to documents published in 4-year period
Number of documents in the same 4-year period
While CiteScore is updated annually, you can access more recent metrics via CiteScore Tracker which is updated every month.
Find a journal's CiteScore tracker score by clicking on a journal title in the Sources results list.
SCImago journal rank weights citations by the prestige of the citing journal:
average number of weighted citations received in a year
Number of published in the previous 3 years
SNIP is contextualised by the subject field:
Journal's citation count per paper
Citation potential in its subject field