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Learning Resources for teaching

For teaching staff: managing content for your Learning Resources List


Creating a group/folder for resources

  1. Create a new folder/group via the NEW GROUP button in the toolbar.

  1. Type the name of your new group into the box. Usually the name of your groups or folders will be meaningful to you and your students i.e. they will be topics or weeks, assignments or textbooks etc. Then click CREATE


  1. The new group/folder will appear below the UNGROUPED folder.

Your Learning Resources may be presented in a single list of required and recommended materials for the unit or resources may be added to individual weeks or topics. To move resources into your created groups/folders, you can use one of two methods.


  1. Tick the box method.

The first method requires that you select individual or multiple resources by checking the boxes located to the left of each resource (you may also check the box next to a group, such as the 'Ungrouped resources' to move the whole group to another group), then click on the MOVE TO button, and then select which group/folder you wish the resources to be moved to. All selected resources will then be moved into the selected group/folder.

  1. Drag and drop method

The second method requires that you drag individual resources from their current position into their new group/folder. To do this, click and hold the cross located to the right of each individual resource and drag it to the group/folder you would like it to be located in, then release your mouse. This will result in the resource being located in the new group/folder position.

How do I edit the name of a group/folder?

You can edit the name of a group/folder by selecting the BLACK FOLDER icon to the right of the group/folder name. It will not alter your resources, only the folder name.

How do I delete a group/folder?

You can delete a folder by selecting the RED FOLDER icon. It will not delete your resources, only the folder, and your resources will move back into the ungrouped folder.