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Learning Resources

For teaching staff: managing content for your Learning Resources List

Create a new Resource List (i.e. there has never been a previous Resources list or a previous Resources list is not being used)

The first time you open Learning Resources in your Moodle unit you will be prompted to select your Institute and preferred citation style. You can alter these later if you wish. If there has previously been a Resource List you can skip this step.




1. Open the Learning Resources tool in your Moodle unit shell.  


2. Open the Learning Resources tool in your Moodle unit shell. Navigate to the 'Resource Lists' button and select 'New List'.


3. Click the PREDEFINED button and select the PREDEFINED* Teaching Period that matches the teaching session of your unit. Click NEXT.


* The PREDEFINED DURATION is set to correspond to Federation University's semester dates. Four weeks is added to the beginning of the semester and two weeks added to the end of the semester to allow for early access to the Moodle Unit and for supplementary exams and assessments. If you feel this doesn't meet your teaching needs, please contact Learning Resources, do not use Custom Dates as this can cause issues for your Resources List and embedded resource links as well as for Learning Resources reporting and analytics.


4. In the next screen, simply click NEXT.


5. In the next screen, simply click CREATE.


6. The new Learning Resources list has been created and is now ready for you to begin adding resources.


What do I need to do each semester with Rollovers?

Rolling over Resources Lists each semester

Each semester Moodle master shells are duplicated to create teaching units for the semester.

You can connect a resources list from your previous semesters course, from the master shell, from another unit shell, or create an entirely new list. Once the list is connected with your unit shell it will reflect the name and semester of the unit (you can use again next time). 


What rolls over?   The Learning Resources tool and the resources links placed in text come over with your content when a Moodle shell is duplicated (ie a Master shell duplicated to a teaching unit shell). The resources links will not be active until a resources list and semester are associated with the Learning Resources tool in the Unit shell. 


What do I need to do?   In the new course add or go to the Learning Resources tool, repopulate with details of Institute and citation style, and select the correct semester for the unit. Then locate the resources list used previously, select all or some resources to come over. This associates the resources with the semester for the unit.