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Master of Child and Family Health: Making video digital presentations

Making videos and other presentations

Making videos

Using video to submit assessment tasks is becoming more common. You may be required to video a skill demonstration or an oral presentation, or create a video diary or reflective journal.

If you are required to submit a video as part of your studies, your lecturer should give you specific instructions about what the video file should contain, how long the video should be, what type of file you should produce, the expected (or maximum) file size you can upload and where/how you need to upload or submit it.


Kaltura is Federation's multimedia streaming system. It is integrated with Moodle so you can upload and embed video and audio resources into your unit anywhere the Moodle text editor is present. Kaltura also includes its own video editing and capture tool, CaptureSpace, which can help you create narrated PowerPoint presentations and record your desktop and webcam video.

For more detailed instructions on using Kaltura Capture please click here to be directed to the Online Study Hub.

The Online Study Hub has a section on uploading videos to Kaltura Capture.

Digital posters

What is a digital poster?

A digital poster is a "poster' but in digitally presented format using some form of interactivity. It is not designed to be printed out, but viewed digitally - so utilise the power of this.  It should have interations or ‘clicky bits’ like a video, audio, a link elsewhere or to your own work, elements that open, expand or some other form of embedded media. Something a bit more interesting that just words on a page. There is a basic example in the orientation material accessible here. The important thing to note is that a digital poster is not a recorded presentation (although it may contain videos) and should be something that the viewer can navigate through themselves.   

How to make a digital poster?

When presenting a digital poster the choice of media is up to you, with options including a single Mahara page, a single large PowerPoint page or a single Web page (using the likes of Weebly or Wix) but the key is that all the relevant information is within its self and not a scrolling presentation.