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QuickSearch userguide: Search hints and terminology

Search hints and terminology

Read the search hints below to increase the relevance of your search.

Search hints and terminology

Enter relevant keywords for your search.

OR Search for synonyms to widen your search by linking them with OR e.g. (elderly OR aged) Use brackets around all terms linked by OR.
NOT Exclude a word or phrase that is not relevant to you with NOT e.g. (elderly OR aged) NOT dementia
*Truncation Searches for all variations of a word with the Asterisk * e.g. teach* = teacher, teachers, teaches, teaching
? Wild card
Searches for a single letter variation, useful for foreign spellings of words e.g. wom?n = woman, women.  
"Phrase Searching"
Use double quote marks to group words together into a meaningful phrase e.g. “aged care” “global warming”

Put them all together as needed e.g. (adolescen* OR teen*) education “special needs” Victoria NOT Canada