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New students' guide to the library

New to Federation University? This guide outlines the library's services and resources

Library Services

The Library is here to help you access a wide array of scholarly resources, study spaces and academic support.


Find out how to borrow, access your library account, or become a library member.

  • Borrowing from Federation Library
  • Borrowing from other Libraries
  • Borrowing a laptop
  • MyLibrary account
Borrowing →


Learn how to use eBooks so you can access books where ever you are, whenever you need.



eBooks →

Resource sharing & Intercampus Copies

We source copies and loans of additional resources that are not available through our databases or library for postgraduate students from around the world.

Students can also request copies of journal articles and book chapters, within the copyright limit, held in print at Federation University campus libraries to be emailed to them.

Resource sharing →

Student Study Spaces

Explore the library spaces, meeting rooms and student lounge spaces available for independent and group study at your campus.

  • Book a library meeting room
  • Find study spaces at one of our library partners

Study Spaces →

How to borrow items from the Library

The Library has thousands of books, journals, eBooks, models, kits, videos and more you can borrow as a student.

Click on each drop-down for an explanation

To see what the Library has access to, go to QuickSearch on the Library website and start your search.

1. Search QuickSearch or the Library catalogue.

2. Check the Campus, Collection and if it is available.

Main Collection - The top shelves of the main campus collection

Quarto Collection - The bottom shelf of the main campus collection, where large books are located

Teaching Resource Collection - A separate collection focused on items of teaching

3. Write down the Call No.

4. When searching for items break down the call number to the first three numbers when starting your search.

5. Find the item on the shelf. For books, the call number will be on the spine or back of the book.

5. Use your student ID to borrow the item

6. Ask library staff if you need help

1. Search QuickSearch or the Library catalogue.

2. Select the item you want and click on the title to access the full record for the item.

3.Click on the 'Request' button at the top of the page.

4. Enter your username and password.

5. From the drop-down list, select your campus as your 'Pickup Location' or select 'Postal Delivery'. For postal delivery, make sure you include your address in the notes.

6. Press 'Submit'.


For more information on Library memberships and borrowing rules visit the Library website.