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Ideologies in the modern world resources

To find books on a particular subject, try a keyword search in QuickSearch or the Library catalogue.

For example:

            Ideolog* (finds ideology, ideologies, ideological)

            Ideolog* AND culture

Try these call numbers when browsing the shelves:

179.3 Animal ethics, including liberation
320.01 Political philosophy
320.5 Political ideologies
320.51 Liberalism
320.512 Traditional liberalism
320.513 Modern liberalism
320.52 Conservatism
320.531 Socialism
320.54 Nationalism
320.55 Religiously oriented ideologies
320.5622 Feminism
320.57 Anarchism
320.58 Ecologism

Prescribed text

These references have been carefully chosen as the best introductory readings available on the weekly topics.