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Journal articles

Online article, where a DOI (digital object identifier) is available

Pimentel, FA, Nitzke, JA, Klipel, CB & de Jong, EV 2010, 'Chocolate and red wine: a comparison between flavonoids content', Food Chemistry, vol. 120, no. 1, pp. 109-12, DOI 10.1016/j.foodchem.2009.09.078

Note: a DOI number is unique to the individual article and can be used to link directly to the full-text article. An ISSN is a number for the entire journal while accession numbers (sometimes called article numbers) are specific numbering systems within individual databases. Do not use an ISSN or accession number in place of a DOI.

Online article, no DOI, stable URL (permalink)

Norhayati, H, Rasma Suzielawanis, I & Mohd Khan, A 2013, 'Effect of storage conditions on quality of prebiotic dark chocolate', Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 111-9, h

Print article, online article without DOI or stable URL

Wollgast, J & Anklam, E 2000, 'Polyphenols in chocolate: is there a contribution to human health?', Food Research International, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 449-459.