Library Services / Research Services
The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (The Code) guides institutions and researchers in responsible research practices, promotes research integrity and provides a framework for managing research data and materials, publishing and disseminating research findings. Federation University Australia encourages all researchers to develop a plan for managing their research data, not only as research best practice, but as one means of improving the competitiveness of a grant application.
A plan for managing your research data should describe storage, access and re-use of your completed data sets.
Suggestions for wording of Data Management section of grant applications
Storage: Where will your research data be stored at completion of the project?
Describe the datasets to be produced and describe where you will store the dataset, metadata, software and/or any documentation (for example, data in figshare, Dryad; metadata in
Research Data Australia)
- Research datasets will be stored on completion in Federation’s research data store (figshare), which is secure, centrally managed, reliable and backed up
- Research datasets will be stored on completion in a partner institution’s (name) research data store (details)
- Research datasets will be stored on completion in a disciplinary data repository (see for example repositories listed in OpenDOAR and re3data)
- Research datasets will be stored on completion in a national repository (for example, Australian Data Archive)
- Physical data will be stored in secure lockable cabinets
Access: What access will you provide to the dataset on completion of the project?
Your funder may encourage (ARC, NHMRC) or mandate (NIH, Wellcome Trust, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Horizon 2020) open data. Specify any reasons why it may not be appropriate for data to be disseminated or reused:
- defence or security considerations
- ethical, privacy, or confidentiality reasons
- commercial or IP decisions
You may be able to provide access to subsets or summaries of your data.
When will access be provided?
- research data made openly available after the completion of the project
- mediated access to research data via application to Chief Investigator
- access to research data after an embargo to permit publications or commercialisation
- access to metadata only
- data will be retained for (retention period) and then destroyed
Re-use arrangements: How will you enable others to reuse your research data?
- provide well described and available research data
- publish data descriptions in data discovery services such as figshare and Research Data Australia, including data availability (open, mediated or restricted access)
- use common data practices and non-proprietary software. If specific software is used to create data, that software should be referenced in the data description. If the software is unique or home-grown, it can be published (eg Zenodo, figshare) and referenced in data descriptions
apply a
Creative Commons licence to your data, so that prospective users understand how they can reuse your data
Generic Example of Data management text for grant application
(from the ARDC ARC - Guide to filling in the data management section )
Dataset (name, characteristics, size, and description) will be stored in the data repository (details), initially for (period). Access is planned to be (describe level of access). The data set will be licensed for reuse under (select Creative Commons licence). (Include any other considerations regarding storage, access and reuse, e.g. institutional or disciplinary conditions).
More information:
Acknowledgements: This document is based on the Australian National Data Service ARC - Guide to filling in
the data management section.