Academic and Teaching Staff: Databases
& Journals

Education Databases

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Databases are collections of journals that can be easily searched for information. Databases usually focus on certain subject areas and hold journals to do with that subject. A journal is a publication that contains articles on a particular subject. Journals are also known as periodicals or serials. There are many different types of journals, including peer-reviewed and trade journals. You may be required to use a range of different journals during your studies.


Peer-reviewed journals are journals that contain articles of a high quality. Peer-reviewed articles go through an extensive editorial process before publication. A short tutorial on peer-reviewed journals can be found here.

Journals & Newspapers

Blank pages: newspaper geeks only

Credit: Your Girl in Portland, Flickr

Journals and newspapers are known as periodicals. They are often the best sources for up-to-date information on research. Journals are important sources of scholarly information, where researchers and analysts first report their findings and ideas.

What journals and newspapers does the Library have?

Federation Library has newspapers and a wide range of journals and magazines including scholarly, professional, trade and current events titles. Some are available in print (not for loan), but most titles are available online via databases (organised collections of full text documents and references to many different source types, including periodicals, books, reports and conference papers).

How do I find journal and newspaper articles?

Specific Journal? Search via the Catalogue or e-Journals A-Z using the journal title.

By topic? Use QuickSearch or subject specific databases listed using key words.

Newspapers and news databases